Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Lesson & Dad's Lesson

Soo... I missed documenting Saturday's lesson. I haven't seen Kim in SO LONG [I mean, lesson-wise]. LAST Saturday I was in DC, and the TWO Saturday's before that Jamie taught, and the saturday before THAT, I believe I didn't go for some reason or another. *sigh* So, anyways. Kim was hoping for some big improvement.

Walk: We're free-er and lighter on the forehand! He is learning to adjust the speed of his walk and the length of his stride to the rhythm of MY hips. In other words, I'm just controlling it with my body, and I'm not having to use my hands to slow him down anymore! Yaay. :P Kim was impressed with the walk.

Trot: Still free-er! :D He's not aloud to trot in biiiig circles or straight lines for long amounts of time [ie - more than 6 strides. :P] otherwise he'll get heavy and stiff and become totally uncollected.

Canter: Can collect a **tad** bit more. My upper body is no longer getting tossed all over the place like a rag doll. I could still get a bit quieter in the saddle.


I got out my western saddle.
Walk was still free! Trot was a bit choppy and we didn't have much rhythm. But we don't use the western saddle all that much, and I still don't feel as connected to him in it, so that might be why.

We went out to the rented and *attempted* to gallop. I think we were on the verge into really breaking out every time we got to the point where we had to start slowing down. Not enough room to really gallop. :(

Then my dad got on! hahaha.
He can steer just fine at a walk, and doesn't bounce around all that much at the trot. Next up, I need to teach him to post.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Monday - Puncture Wound

Yep... Monday Dakota got a puncture wound. I can almost fit the entire pad of my little finger in it.
mm... lovely, isn't it? >.<
This ALWAYS happens when I'm about to go out of town! Always!

Saturday - Gridwork

Jamie taught again! YAAY! It was the day after Kim's wedding and the day after my birthday. :P

Walk, trot, canter, jump.
Bounce to a two stride, to a one stride oxer.

And Dakota didn't like to go slow. Right behind the two stride, Jamie waved another jump pole at us and yelled.... and I fell off. She warned me to stick my feet out infront of me and lean back, but she DIDN'T say I wouldn't be going over the jump. Usually they move out of the way after slowing us down.... but no. Jamie didn't.

So........ I fell off. But it was AWESOME!!! I landed on my FEET! Then Dakota drug me a good three feet, with my heels in the sand. And I spun a jump standard around when I landed right next to it. haha.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Yesterday - Bareback

Well... my locker's lock got stuck. So I used Kimberly's helmet and Shauna's whip and couldn't get to my gloves... which resulted in me ripping some skin off my finger during my ride. *sigh*

Walk, trot, canter, jump. [crossrail and red panel jump w/o rail on top]
He was okay. Still learning to be as nice without saddle as with. :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Jamie taught! YAY! I got excited when I pulled up and saw her big macho truck. :D

Walk, trot, canter, jump.
7 jump course.

We were collected [for the most part], got correct spots [for the most part], and were off our forehand!!! [for the most part]. haha.

All in all, a good day.
Then I rode Jack out in the rented [w,t,c] with Kimberly & Nikky.
Then I stuck my halter on Dakota and sat on him bareback for awhile before we turned out.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pretty Extensive Workout

First of all... I did a summer camp-esque demonstration for two girls in my youth group. [They're kinda part of the outreach at my church, & my mom has gotten attached to them.... I say that like they're puppies, but they aren't. :) haha. anyway.]

So, English saddle:
Walk, trot, canter, jump, 6-7 jump course [that I made up on the spot].

Western saddle:
Walked the 2 girls for about 30 minutes.
I got back up and tried to hit a gallop in the arena, hard to with the space.
Convinced Kimberly to hack.
Galloped out a good 5-6 times. And I mean GALLOP! It was amazing! I just found out my horse has a turbo button! :)

Then we walked them home because the wind picked up enough to spook US! And there were scary-looking clouds, and we live in tornado alley in tornado season, so... heh. We walked 'em home on foot.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today I had the intention of going out and lunging Dakota with sidereins, because I need to do that more. Much, much more.
But instead, I threw a thick saddle pad and a bridle on him, and hopped on. :)

Walk, trot, canter.
Big arena.

He was fairly good at bending, much better at impulsion with my new leg position... ehh, he was passable with head carriage. Not convinced he wasn't stiff in the poll. But better.

Head came up with upward transitions.

No stopping square, pretty much... at all.